20 Changes in your 20’s

When you reach your 20’s things change. It’s a time to figure out what you want to do and who you want to become. What can I teach you about finding your way when I’ve hardly lived myself?

Growing up is hard. Young and stupid is always easier. As a 20 something you develop an unknown phobia for the future. Here is my advice for 20 something’s who need to review their lives:

  1. Get ready to make lots of changes. You’ll set goals and make plans. Be ready to adjust them and ditch some. It’s is time to discover your potential.
  2. You get a job or have many jobs. They may not be what you expected. You have to hold it down. Everyone has a gift to give the world. It may be in the job you do or a different “calling”. Find that calling and follow your heart.
  3. Your student and college days are over. You can’t live like a slob anymore because Mummy and Daddy can’t clean up after you. A tidy house is a tidier mind.
  4. Friendship will come and go. Some relationships will last some will fizzle out and go down different paths as people move away or don’t return your phone calls. Work on the relationships that matter to you most.
  5. I’ve had my share of heartbreak even as a 20 something. You can’t force love and have to let past lovers move on with their lives. When you breakup remember it happened for a reason and that “the one” is still out there.
  6. Exercise so you get fitter not fatter.
  7. Watch your diet. Eat the healthier stuff with the occasional salt and sugar explosion.
  8. If you smoke or vape then quit.
  9. Read more. Read for fun, read for education.
  10. Sort out your money and finances.
  11. Maximise something’s, minimise and eliminate others.
  12. Experience the world. Go on real life adventure. Stop letting technology eat up your time.
  13. Be afraid, but do it anyway.
  14. You have a voice. Use your right to vote.
  15. Learn to chill out and slow down.
  16. You are in your twenties, you are going to make lots of mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up over them.
  17. Listen to older and wiser people than yourself.
  18. Always keep learning from your own experience and mistakes.
  19. Your 20’s are the best days of your life. Enjoy them. Party hard but plan harder. Getting this stuff right now will set you up for life and build your future.
  20. I best break the news to you now before you hit your 30’s and find out the hard way. Santa doesn’t exist.

Don’t be a bystander in your life. It’s not going to be easy. You need to do the difficult things that no one else does. It won’t all come together all at once. It takes practise and determination. You don’t have to do any of the list above, make your own but if you don’t do anything you still be in the same position next year.

The time for change is now. Your Happy New Year starts now. Enjoy the holidays and prepare your productivity plan for next year. Next year is operation 20 Changes for your 20’s.