Free Internships for an Expensive Education

How much was the cost for your university education? For many it’s £44,000 plus interest. Was it worth it or can I get my money back? After that you need financial aid in the form of a job. A job is your refundable investment in the higher education game. Thanks for playing now go earn some money.

If I was an Member of Parliament I could put my student debt through my expenses under miscellaneous but I need a form of financial assistance called work. Not a work for free internship. I have a financial inability to eat without money, unless I go shoplifting or begging.

Financing a university education isn’t cheap. I know students may take a zero or next to no pay intern job for experience but come on people you have a degree that cost you a fortune. It’s called a tuition fee not a tuition free.

If a company’s not willing to pay you for your time and knowledge then they surely they don’t value or respect you. You could even argue spending all that time and money on a degree was wasted if you sell yourself short.

Don’t sell yourself short for the sake of slave labour. Surely free internships break some kind of Employment or Equal Opportunity Law. If you are going to work for free and not sell your time then do some volunteer work for Save the Children or Oxfam not some profit making company.

Isn’t the idea to pay some taxes and some of your student debt back? If that’s the case then show me the money. I don’t mind helping others for a living but companies profiting off free internships need to be stopped.

Internships may help you get into your chosen field of work but you want a job and some money to show for it. If you’ve borrowed money from your parents during your student life you’re lucky they don’t send you monthly statements every month but your credit card company will.

Unless you’ve been lucky enough to secure a job in your industry while studying or have some work experience in that area then it’s unlikely you’ll have tried and tested your degree subject matter in the real world. And by real world I may you’ve been getting paid for it.

You may have been shoving fries, working the bars or cleaning for a few quid but now you have your degree the time has come to step on your chosen career ladder and break into the job sector you want.