Another Year Gone

Another year has almost finished and we are about to roll into another one. Where does our time go?

What have I achieved this year:

A Job – It turns out I’m employable and I got a full time job to start my career. I have a few issues with my supervisor but hey I’m working.

Hols – Enjoyed a wild vacation. Which cost a fortune but was worth it. I needed a big break away from work. The down side to holidays is coming back to face lots of emails and a pile of paperwork.

Too Much Beer – I’ve drank too much beer and had too many binges. So much so that my liver doesn’t like me anymore. Next year I must cut back.

Fitter not fatter – This year I feel fitter than last year. I’ve been going to the gym, bike riding and clay pigeon shooting. Shooting and hunting isn’t a sport in the UK it’s more of an American thing where they kill big game and kids in class rooms.

Family Time – I spent more time with family and friends. Which is awesome and very rewarding for your soul. Devoting your time to family is important. Never forget that.

New Motor – Bought a new motor, she a beauty featuring a stereo upgrade to pump out Classic FM and Hip Hop.

What I haven’t achieved this year:

I’m still single – Although it would be nice to find a new relationship being single has given me space and time to discover myself. Failed relationships hurt, even the short lived ones but looking back the ladies in my life were unsuitable and incompatible. Whether they ditched me or I ditched them is never nice but getting out of the wrong relationship is the right thing to do. Don’t rush love. The ladies will come along again. Being single is not such a bad thing. Who needs a girlfriend when there’s pizza and porn.

The numbers never lie – I need to get smarter with my money. It’s harder to be happy without money and owing massive debt stops you experiencing life. Having extra money for fun and the future will make you happier.

Lazy Procrastinator – I’ve tolerated my laziness. I haven’t been as creative or productive as I would have liked. In areas like this blog, starting new products, training and doing stuff around the flat things haven’t come together. I need motivating. My lazy ar$e needs to get into gear.