Millennials are not as Awful as the Media brands them

They are so many ridiculous misconceptions about us. Millennials, or those born between the 1980s and the year 2000 seem to get lots of criticism from the older generations.

Students seem to get bad press and treated with contempt by parts of society. Which I touched on in a past post stereotyping us students.

There are many misconceptions about the student life. We are branded as lazy, spoilt, ungrateful and have easy lives with no idea of the stress of adulthood.

Don’t tell me that when I find myself under the pressures of juggling assignment deadlines, a stack of reading to do, a part-time job to go to plus the cooking and cleaning, bills to pay, fitting in a social life and blog writing. Trust me there is lots to get stressed about. I wish I could do nothing all day and not have to get into debt for studying and working hard.

People seem to think you need a family to support, a full time job, an illness, poverty or a relationship breakup to feel stressed and burned out. I’ve had both of these and in today’s modern world the youth experience worry and stress.

The young are at the most risk of stress, sleeping disorders and mental distress. We are the generation with plenty to be anxious and panic about. Living standards are declining as we are destine to earn less than the older generations, we are building up crippling debt for our education, the job market is bloodthirsty and we may never get on the housing ladder and buy our own home. On top of this our NHS and public services are in dire straits and the environment and planet we live on is fighting for survival.

Students don’t all live in squalor and their own filth. Yes, we like to party, order takeout food, sleep late to recover from hangovers but the next day we are capable of cleaning up the beer cans and empty pizza boxes.

Most students are hygienic and can clean themselves and the kitchen. If anything it may be your student accommodation that’s crumbling and not up to standard with mould growing in the back bedroom window and the broken boiler that makes the shower run cold. Not all student accommodation you rent is up to the standard of Hilton Hotels. If you are looking for a place to rent then read my student accommodation tips.

Further education and university teach us life skills, how the real world works and how to look after ourselves and others. Being a student and remaining in education many of us are juggling studies and jobs. It’s not an easy life full of first world problems. We are hardworking and trying to plan our futures and opportunities. Whilst studying and meeting assignment deadlines we are earning a living with part time jobs to pay the rent the bills.

Students and our youth are often dismissed, forgotten and their voices unheard. Millennials are marginalised by the system and political views. We want a better future and one of hope. We want a fair society where our nurses, carers, teachers and the vulnerable and homeless are cared for. A society that doesn’t care where you come from, where you were born or the colour of your skin. A society and system based on justice and what you can contribute to your community and the world.

Don’t criticise us for wanting to challenge the system to combat racism, sexism, xenophobia and fighting to preserve nature and the planet. Don’t criticise us for wanting to do things differently and enjoy the freedom and rights that the older generations fought for.

Millennials’ want to be in control of they own lives and understand the impact our actions have on the world. We want to make our own rules and decides, not play by the terms and conditions set by giant corporations and outdated Baby Boomers viewpoints and policies put in place years ago.

The elite and generations before us seem to fear change and are stuck in the past and old ways. They don’t want us to speak out or take over the world that they control. They don’t want to reform laws and the current system because it works for the few and not the many. They want to keep us tied down and treat us like leftovers. They don’t want us to gain knowledge, information and power that could disrupt their agenda and rock their boats.

So many people make sweeping generalises about us. We are not lazy, weak, snowflakes or wasting our lives on a degree. We don’t play the victim, we are the victims of a world and toxic media that seems to want us to fail.

I believe that everyone has a voice, and the digital age can help us reach out and share our opinions and ideas. Thanks to social media and blogging we can speak up and speak out. Millennials are far from perfect, but we are adapting and learning how to manage in an uncertain and cruel world.

We need fresh ideas, new technologies and reform that helps everybody flourish and grow. We want a new normal and get rid of the old and outdated theories and concepts of how society should function in a kinder and more civilised world.

I’m not naive about the challenges or suggesting that all suffering, problems and conflict will end. People will always fight for power, control, money and the TV remote. The message is that mindsets and systems need to change to make improvements to how the global economy benefits everyone, that our physical and mental health are looked after and we address the impact that humans have had on the environment and wildlife.

Despite all the popular misconceptions, Generation Y and Z are the people that are going to change the world. The one’s that are going to have to deal with future issues clean up the mess and deal with the environmental damage of past generations before us. The Millennial future is a better future for society and the planet.

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