Escaping The Crazy Rat Race

By now I’ve come to realise that my life after university hasn’t turned out exactly how I envisioned it. Since I entered the world of work I’ve been thinking a lot about my career.

I have a job. I hate it. I’m fed of doing work that not’s satisfying me. I’m fed up of the office. I’m fed up of city life. It’s not working out how it should. I want more enjoyment and freedom in my work. I want to hand my notice in. But here’s the catch I have debts and responsibilities so quitting my job tomorrow is not an option.

Imagine working at the same place for the next 50 years. Trapped in a vicious cycle, busting your guts forty hours a week or more and missing out on life. That thought is terrifying so I’ve made a bid to change my life and work out what I what from it.

With my lack of job satisfaction I have the desire to quit the 9 to 5 rat race and work towards financial independence.

I want to escape the crazy rat race, work for myself in things that actually interest me and retire ASAP. Early retirement appeals instead of been a slave to the daily work routine.

I for one left education in thousands of pounds in debt, like many students do. From there it got worst as I borrowed more money after getting a job.

I’ve decided I don’t want to work at this place anymore and I definitely don’t want to spend my time worrying about money. Am sick of busy working instead of busy living. Getting rich quick is not an option so for now my day job is just ticking me over until I tell the boss to shove it.

Having no belittling boss to order me about and deciding how many hours I work would be fabulous but quitting isn’t a financial option. I hate my job and despise working for a two-faced company. I need to escape and all that’s needed is some firm decision making and an ACTION plan.

I want to be free from the fixed rules that society says I should follow. The new theme of this blog will be to clear my debts, make a million and retire young-ish.

I doubt they will be must left in the pension pot for my generation so the hard fact is you have to plan for your own retirement because it’s unlikely anybody else will provide for you as you get older.

Life is too short to be trapped in a day job and stuck at the grind. From here I will chart my journey to financial freedom starting by clearing my student debt, outstanding loans, credit cards and other nasty debt.

Why would you want financially freedom? I want a comfortable and panic free life. Without worrying about money, career, status and the long commute each day. I want to find work I enjoy without an Office Hat.

Working here has lost its appeal for me. It was hard getting up this morning. I want to escape right now. At the moment I feel that I am existing and not living. I crave freedom from the rat race. It’s time to slowly take back my freedom and work towards a faster happy retirement.