The End Of My Credit Card

My relationship with one credit card is finally over. Yesterday I made the final payment and closed the account. It was a happy day and an important milestone. I’d had that card for 5 years and it was generally maxed out for 4 and an half of that.

Not receiving any credit card statements and making any payments will feel strange after so long. It’s a strangeness that I can live without. It’s too easy to get reliant on using debt that you almost do it without thinking.

Need or want to buy something – out comes the credit card. Want to treat yourself and short of cash – out comes the credit card. This is the habit and bond you need to break. Your credit card isn’t doing you any flavours if you can’t clear the balance every month. If you’re in this position you need to fix it.

Now is the time to detach from using your credit cards and rid yourself of the hold they have on you. Clearing the debt balance will opens up new possibilities, for a start you’ll have more money and be happier without the burden.

Being closer to debt freedom is a great feeling. Tonight I’m going out to celebrate and the first round is on me.

I’m done with credit cards but not done with debt just yet. After the victory celebration there is still work to do and with every pound that’s paid off I sense that life will only get better.

Throwing money into your debt lifts the financial burden and makes money management so much easier. Bigger payments means it will happen faster. From here I intend to aggressively pay off my loans and keep shrinking my debt levels.

I want less debt and more wealth.