Studying A Biology Degree – A Beginners Guide

I’m not studying a biology degree but I thought I’d give you some biology tips on understanding how “bio” and “logy” work together to create living things. If you are wanting to become a biologist, doctor, vet or naturist then understanding biology will help you answer any biology exam questions.

Biology is beautiful and learning biology is very important to the existence of life. Without biology itself there’d be no way to study other exciting subjects.

You can start doing and studying biology easily by leaving yoghurt out on the kitchen worktop for 8 weeks. If you leave it out of the fridge for a few million years then a new life form may possibly develop.


Biology is the study of natural science like animals, trees and bacteria. Nature is everywhere. You can be in awe of nature when a tasty student with a nice bum passes by. Sometimes this biology leads to chemistry happening between the male and female species. It is an experience which can leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside or sometimes guilty and ashamed, so be careful because Chemistry can be explosive in the bedroom not just in a science lab.


If you are finding studying biology difficult then the following biology study tips can make studying biology easy for biology students:

  • Biology was invented when Amino Acids formed in a puddle in the Garden of Eden somewhere in Africa.
  • DNA is the building blocks of life but its rubbish at building houses.
  • All living creatures have a funny Latin name that nobody can pronounce.
  • Life is made up of cells. If you are naughty and do bad things you can also get locked up in a cell.
  • While studying biology certain conditions need to be met. For example, it’s very important to breath air in and out.
  • Charles Darwin wrote a book called the “Origin of the Species“, its publication made God angry and he’s not been in touch since.
  • A biography is the story and documentation of a creatures life from birth to death.
  • There is probably biology on other planets and worlds outside our solar system but stupid Physics hasn’t worked out how to get there yet.


Biology is full of tricky long words and phrases remembering these and when to use them will help you answer your examination questions and pad out your biology dissertation. If you are struggling with biology keyword spelling then just add the suffixes -“ism”,  “ose” or “ule” to the end.

If studying and learning biology gets overwhelming for you I suggest you use the cloning process like real life cells would do and copy and paste words from other sources. This will make biology knowledge easier to transfer.

Reading big heavy biology books can also aid in helping mastering biology and build up your muscles. With these biology techniques you can develop your body and evolve your brain together.


You should always take a moment to think about how wonderful biology is. Biology is what makes the human body work and fall asleep. Biology is the miracle of life.

Studying biology is fun and you can do it in your own home. You should now know enough to pass your biology degree with flying colours.

If you think a student studying biology would benefit from guide please share it with them.