Getting a Student Part Time Job

Finding part time work or a summer job can help your student finances. It’s worth job hunting or finding something to earn some cash over the holidays if money is tight while at university. Not every student has loaded parents who can support them while studying. Mummy and Daddy may be able to help and sub you but it won’t last forever. The average student is going to experience money troubles so a job can pass the time and help give you an income.

It’s nice to have some extra cash because student finance doesn’t go far enough. Before taking the first cleaning role or bar job see if you can find relevant work in the career sector you eventually want to work in. Finding relevant work will look good on your graduate CV.

It will give you some independence, freedom and help pay the rent. That student loan never stretches as far as you think. 🙁 Having a job while at university gives you more flexibility with your student lifestyle, you won’t have to worry as much about money with a steady wage. You can also eat better and treat yourself to higher quality food and drink. That doesn’t mean you can suddenly start shopping at M&S or Waitrose.

Student life can get very boring. Getting a part time job will kill the boredom on weekends and dull evenings when they is nothing on the telly, it’s pouring down with rain and you’ve lost hope in the Internet. Earning money will give you something to do.

It’s nice to gain some work experience and build bonds with colleagues and work mates. You get to have work Christmas parties and increase your social circle.

The downsides of having a student job is the work! Having a job is nice for your student finances bit it requires a commitment and signing a contract. You can’t go out with your friends or attend events because you have to go to work. You’ll be expect to turn up for work and be on time for your shifts so it can mess up your party plans and social life. Missing out on the university life and losing out on the fun nights is a big downer. You’ll probably have to work over the holidays. And when you do go out and let your hair down going into work smashed and hung-over is also not a good idea.

You’ll feel tired and have less energy for studying. Working can be physically and mentally exhausting, especially if you are working a late shift. You’ll have less time to relax and chill out whilst having a job.

Having a part time job and fitting in your university course work can be stressful for students. Cramming in studying and paid work can impact on your degree course. You’ll have less time to study and feel too busy and overworked, especially when you need to revise and have a pile of assignments to do. You may need to consider cut back your work shifts or quitting the job if it gets too much for you and your grades and studies start suffering. Not having a student part time job gives your flexibility back leaving evenings and weekend free but you may need the money to survive on.

Your main commitment should be your studies and timetable but it’s not that easy for everyone. Getting a part time job will depend on your studies timetable, your finances, the job you take and how much you can fit in to 24 hours.