Beans on Toast Again

Beans on Toast is the simplest meal a student can make. Apart from Pot Noodle but that’s not really a meal is it? It just rubbery noodles with “E” numbers. Where would the next student meal come from if it wasn’t for good old beans on toast?

You’ve not experienced real student life without having to struggle to survive on beans on toast. It’s part of student life. For your own benefit you best make sure you have a few hundred tin’s of beans in the cupboard to get you through. In fact I hope you like bread too because soon you be putting everything on it, crisps, cheese, eggs, salad, chips and dipping it in soup.

Be sure to have plenty of bread stocked up in the freezer, nothing is as quite as upsetting than having beans on beans, yet that still tastes better then plain boring lentils.

For best results use branded beans like Heinz Beans or Branston – I find the tomato juice higher quality. Some of the supermarket home brands are nice too. As a rule avoid the cheap and nasty budget baked beans where possible. Also watch out for salt and sugar levels added for flavouring.

To improve your beans on toast recipe I recommend a scrape of butter and a sprinkling of pepper. Should the budget permit you can go posh and add Worcestershire sauce or a dash of soya sauce to bring out the flavour.

The big British breakfast wouldn’t be complete without beans. Beans are good for you, they look after your heart. They are high in fibre, low in fat and contain iron, protein and B vitamins.

I love beans on toast. As a convenience food beans on toast rocks and they’re great for your energy levels. However you may not want to have to eat them for a whole month. On the plus side you can look forward to stinking out the dormitory or impressing your flatmates with your bum notes.