How Do Students Feel About Brexit Day?

On the 23rd June 2016 the UK voted to leave the European Union by a tiny majority dividing the country in two. Since then the mood and the very identity of the United Kingdom has changed. Political tensions and emotions are high are we are split into “leave” and “remain”, with each group critically attacking each other.

The Brexit vote has turned the country toxic and hateful, the United Kingdom is nothing like United as Scotland wants to break free and leave the UK. After the Brexit vote I think many Remainers were in disbelief at the outcome.

Over three and a half years on from the referendum the UK has left the European Union. Most young people and students supported the Remain campaign. Unfortunately like many 16 and 17 year olds I never got a say in the matter because I was “too young” to vote and I endorsed a second referendum:

Leavers and Hardened Brexiteers believe that leaving the EU offers fresh and exciting opportunities, however I’m more cautious and fearful of the future. We know a lot more about the potential impact of leaving then we did during the vote and the matter still isn’t settled. There is a danger we’ll have a hard Brexit at the end of December 2020 if the UK and EU can’t agree on a trade deal and negotiations fail.

From the celebration interviews I saw on TV some Brexiteers don’t really know how leaving will offers the UK any tangible benefits. They claim they “have their freedom back” yet the EU never blocked our freedoms, in fact by restricting Freedom of Movement to live and work in EU countries we are losing more freedoms and EU laws that protect our rights. The only reason we have human rights laws, workers rights and food standards is because the EU enforce them. Membership has kept peace in Europe for over 75 years.

From the BBC videos I’ve seen Britain looks so badly educated and the vast majority of Leavers can’t even explain what they were voting for and don’t have any clue as to the things that the EU membership has done for us.

Like the Romans the EU has affected us in many positive ways yet people don’t understand this or see it. We take it all for granted like clean running water.

I don’t feel hesitant to say that the elite promoted leaving so they could selfishly profit and avoid EU tax laws, while saying to the masses that “we’ve had enough of the elite telling us what to do”. It’s ironic that many multi millionaires, rich politicians and business supported Brexit then moved they money, investments and manufacturing abroad. Some Leave voters even have duel passports and live abroad which seems a bit hypocritically to reject staying in the EU.

I’ll be honest leaving the EU doesn’t fill me with hope and the main reason leavers felt dejected was because of the lies that they were told in the media that blamed the EU for the UKs problems. I think many leavers were brainwashed and tricked into thinking the EU was a dictatorship and responsible for many problems in the UK when surely fixing things like the NHS, social care, schools, infrastructure  and our crumbling towns is down to our own government.

Many of promises and promoters of a great Brexit seem to be backtracking. As an new independent nation state the suffering of our citizens and neglect of public services is the responsible of the government, we can’t blame the EU or foreigners anymore. Now we’ve left the Brexiters need to own the outcomes, deliver the goods they promised and “unleash the potential” of Britain:

  • 350 million each week for the NHS (I read it on a bus)
  • Global trades deals to bring prosperity for all not just the elite
  • The EU savings put into education and research
  • We enjoy highly skilled workers without increasing immigration
  • Cheaper food prices
  • Leaving won’t affect the security of the UK
  • Investment in the North outside of London
  • We remain a world leader and see GPD growth.

Furthermore the leave campaign was found by the Electoral Commission to have broken the law. To be frank how can you accept a democratic vote based on legal activities and funding? We are still awaiting the publication of the Russian report about interference with our democracy.

If you try to question the facts we hear that “it’s the will of the people” but what if that will and democracy was bent and manipulated by lies and dark outside forces, corrupt media and people with hidden agendas? If we want results to go our way then we tend to fib, distort the facts and influence people with made up stories, fake news and propaganda.

These tales and false advertising help fuel our bias, prejudices and hate which leak in to our decision making. Looking at UK voting and on social media we’ve definitely seen a huge shift to the far right of politics.

As a remainer who never got the chance to vote I strongly believe in the European project and it’s sad to see us out. I’ll happily accept the result if these benefits or “rainbow unicorns” can be realised, yet so much uncertainty and doubts remains for the country’s future. Can we thrive and create economic opportunities outside the EU or will we become Little England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? Will we miss out on being a part of a EU free market economy and it’s beautiful culture?

I think Brexit puts peoples livelihoods and jobs at serious risk and many companies have already quit the UK or gone bust. The real impact is yet to be seen and I’m concerned for the future of many young people. I find it worrying that a generation who mainly wanted to remain don’t have a voice and face depleting  opportunities in life.

How do you and particular other students feel about leaving the EU? Do you love it or hate it? Whether you are a leaver or remainer please comment below.