The Job Hunt

Looking for a job is traumatic and stressful for young people. I’ve not had much interview practise in my short existence. I’ve been training for the whole of my 21 year life. And for around the last 3 years I’ve being studying and trying to get laid.

I’ve been activity seeking a new full time or part time job to supplement the twenty hours I am working and it’s fair to say the advantage is with the employers not the job hunter.

You should never go to bed angry so I’m going to rant about the state of the job market. I feel left out that I haven’t secured a full time job yet. All that studying and hard work and nobody wants me or my skills.

In five weeks I’ve had around seven interviews and heard nothing back apart from the silence of rejection or “After careful consideration I regret to inform you that you have not been successful on this occasion….”. I’m getting tired of these types of rejection letter.

It’s a cruel and selfish world. With hundreds of people applying for the same job competition is high and morale is low. Competition is tough and head hunters want the best.

The world is full of possibilities and opportunities. I’m trying to hunt them down for my careers sake. Our twenties should be the best time of our lives but modern life and money gets in the way.

I’ll keep looking hopefully the job search won’t drag on too long.