Breakfast, The First Meal of The Day

I have a confession to make – I Love Bacon and Coffee. Almost every work day for years I’ve bought a bacon butty and coffee for breakfast. Tucking into this delight is the highlight and pick me up I need in the mornings. Like many people I require a coffee fix to start functioning.

The problem is this not only does my breakfast cost me around £24 a week it also doesn’t help my waistline. Therefore I need to commit to spending and eating less starting with a cheaper and more healthy breakfast with maybe a bacon and takeout coffee on Fridays only as a treat.

My breakfast choices of takeout coffee and bacon butties have to end. L I still believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I’ve never skipped breakfast, whether it was a sugary or greasy snack but now I’ve changed what I have for my first meal of my day.

My new breakfast is a bowl of Weetabix or toast which gets me through till lunch time and gives me an energy boost without the calories of a bacon sandwich.

I think eating out, takeouts and going out for restaurant meals should be a treat. I order takeaways and eat out because it’s quicker and easier than home cooking. Preparing your meal plans and eating at home will keep you healthier and save money.

Both will help motivate you as you save and lose weight. The downside and really habit I need to kick is the wake up morning cigarette. I’ve cut down during the day but hey nobody’s perfect.