No Fags For a Month

It has been a over a month since I quit smoking using Nicotine Gum. Resisting a smoke hasn’t been easy yet here we are. I didn’t think I had the willpower. I’m so proud of myself, I’ve gone a full month without any smoking sticks.

In theory quitting smoking is easy, don’t buy, beg, steal or borrow any. Addiction isn’t that simple and I have found it difficult at times not to smoke. I’ve notice my temper rising when my mind wants a cigarette, also I’m not sure what to do with my hands anymore and I seem to always be hungry, eating more than normal.

Despite this deciding to stop smoking has been great for me. I feel so much better and able to exercise longer and harder. No fags and I’m able to smell better, taste food and my body’s not full of carbon monoxide and other filth. I’m slowly recovering and not coughing anymore.

I’m still getting the odd cravings and I’ve tried to avoid anything that may trigger me to light up and start smoking again. No booze, stressful situations or hanging out with other smokers.

As such I still feel like a smoker and a person battling addiction. I bought some more nicotine gum to fend off the craving attacks so in a strange kind of way I’ve quit smoking but not nicotine addiction.

A smoke free month is still a good achievement and I hope to reduce the gum I’m chewing bit by bit. I don’t want to start smoking again. When you stop smoking you have to do it for yourself. The best side effect is having more energy and more money. Say no to fags.

Breaking the psychological connect to smoking is hard if you’ve smoked for a long time. The thing is that writing about smoking makes me want to have a smoke.