No Fags For a Month

It has been a over a month since I quit smoking using Nicotine Gum. Resisting a smoke hasn’t been easy yet here we are. I didn’t think I had the willpower. I’m so proud of myself, I’ve gone a full month without any smoking sticks.

In theory quitting smoking is easy, don’t buy, beg, steal or borrow any. Addiction isn’t that simple and I have found it difficult at times not to smoke. I’ve notice my temper rising when my mind wants a cigarette, also I’m not sure what to do with my hands anymore and I seem to always be hungry, eating more than normal.

Despite this deciding to stop smoking has been great for me. I feel so much better and able to exercise longer and harder. No fags and I’m able to smell better, taste food and my body’s not full of carbon monoxide and other filth. I’m slowly recovering and not coughing anymore.

I’m still getting the odd cravings and I’ve tried to avoid anything that may trigger me to light up and start smoking again. No booze, stressful situations or hanging out with other smokers.

As such I still feel like a smoker and a person battling addiction. I bought some more nicotine gum to fend off the craving attacks so in a strange kind of way I’ve quit smoking but not nicotine addiction.

A smoke free month is still a good achievement and I hope to reduce the gum I’m chewing bit by bit. I don’t want to start smoking again. When you stop smoking you have to do it for yourself. The best side effect is having more energy and more money. Say no to fags.

Breaking the psychological connect to smoking is hard if you’ve smoked for a long time. The thing is that writing about smoking makes me want to have a smoke.

Opening a Debt Savings Account

I’ve opened a debt savings account which may sound strange so let me explain how my new account is going to work.

A debt savings account is where you save to pay off your debts. Every month I’ll place all my saving from cutting back and streamlining my budget into my debt account. Then at the end of the month or at regular intervals spend it on the debt I own on top of any minimum payments.

Using this saving method will help to clear debt quicker. To create your own:

1.    Open a New Online Savings Account.

2.    Prepare your finances – Do a budget and see where you can cut your expenses.

3.    Put the money you save into your Debt Savings Account.

4.    Regularly pay the money into your debt.

Running your own debt savings account like this will rid you of debt sooner. If you can spend with debt you can save to pay it off and turn your fortunes around. By savings up to pay off debt you can cross the finish line of debt freedom sooner.

Saving Money to Pay Off Debt

[Credit: This article is originally from Healthy Debt Diet. Used with kind permission.]

Clearing your debt fast involves finding ways to cut costs and reduce your spending so you can use that money to pay off your debts. You can also increase your income and pile the extra earnings into debt.

Since starting on my path to debt freedom I’ve reduce my outgoings in many areas and spent that money on my debts. Here is what I’ve done to save money for debt repayments, some of my actions may seem extreme to give up however killing off debt quick requires sacrifice:

  • First make your debt cheaper. Balance Transfer your credit cards to 0% interest free deals. Paying no internet clears your balance faster.
  • Find a better even a small 0.25% rate reduction adds up to massive savings over a long time period. If you don’t have a mortgage you could search for a cheaper place to rent.
  • Switch energy provider to reduce your gas and electricity bills at USwitch.
  • Buy cheaper alternatives where you can and consider second hand products. You’ll pay more for top brand names and the latest releases.
  • Avoid restaurants, takeaways, coffee shops and cook at home. Take a packed lunch or bring your own food to work when you can.
  • Cancel the TV subscriptions. I got rid of my Sky TV package, yes I missed it for a while then I adjusted. If cancelling your TV viewing is too much then try cheaper options like NowTV.
  • Shop around for better phone and broadband deals. Sim only deals save on mobile hardware costs.
  • Ditch Amazon Prime and those expensive weaknesses that you overspend on like gadgets, video games, clothes.
  • or least cut down if you drink too much. This will benefit your body and give you extra energy levels.
  • If you smoke then quit. Tobacco is an expensive and an unhealthy habit, quitting will save you a fortune and you’ll feel great.
  • If you’re not travelling too far or needing to carry heavy loads then walk or cycle to save petrol. It will also help you to keep fit.
  • Do you have a job where you could work from home a few days a week? Ask your employer and if it’s possible you’ll save on food and petrol costs plus the travel time to work.

Doing all or most of these will help you eliminate debt faster. I also opened a debt savings account where money is saved and then paid into my debt.

Editors Notes:
I’m a massive fan of Adam and love the idea of creating a debt saving account to pay into your debts. I’m going to do the same to help  kill off my debt faster.

Better Budgeting

A few months back my money was out of control and I didn’t track any spending so here is my new monthly budget in a beautiful Excel Spreadsheet. I’ve just managed to balance the books thanks to selling some stuff on eBay.

You’ll notice there is no budget for fun anymore. 🙁 I seriously need to get a handle on my cash situation.

I have included the overdraft, my mate and Mum and Dad under debts but can’t reduce these debts until I have brought the credit card payments down. It’s a good thing friends and family don’t charge interest.

Saving on Dinner Money

Eating out costs a bomb. Not that I know the price of explosives or suggest you eat highly volatile chemicals for lunch. The fact is food on the move is expensive and adds to your monthly costs. So I’ve challenged myself to keep lunch and snack money to a minimum and cut down on  coffee break costs.

I can take a packed lunch to work. I’ve being doing it for just under 3 weeks. If you are on a budget taking sandwiches, pasta, homemade curry and other food from home is a cash saver. At first I felt silly and embarrassed but now I know it’s part of my budget plan.

I’m just not sure if I can reduce my coffee intake. I certainly need my coffee fix to get me going. Can I give up the daytime snacking, prepare an edible meal for dinner and stop drinking takeout coffee for a whole month? It’s a tall order so let’s find out.

I also attempting to reduce my sugar and ditch my unhealthy habits like too many biscuits, fizzy drinks and even cutting back on beer. Will it be possible? Let’s find out.

Are you willing to try it yourself? Add a comment below.