No More Smoking with Nicotine Gum

Thanks to nicotine gum I’ve quit smoking. I finally wanted to be able to walk up hills and run without feeling out of breathe, knacked and coughing up a lung. Smoking has been dragging back my fitness and finances for years.

Using nicotine gum I’ve not had a smoking stick for a week. All cigarettes, lighters and the ashtray are in the bin. I admit I’ve missed the morning cigarette with me coffee and still get cravings but when they hit me I pop in a nicotine gum and think of England.

So far it’s working, however some of my friends still smoke and doubt how long I’ll last. Hopefully with a combination of nicotine gum and occupying my mind I’ll be able to reach a whole month without smoking.

I was thinking about trying vaping with an electronic cigarette however I went with the gum so I did have to go outside to vape with real smokers. Smelling it doesn’t help me and I’ve succeeded (so far) chewing the gum.

The statistics say that you’re more likely to quit smoking and succeed using some form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). I have tried to quit the habit before but not lasted very long. The nicotine gum has helped me cut down and relieve my cravings before I had my last cigarette and stopping completely.

It works by releasing nicotine in to your gums without all the other bad substances when inhaling tobacco. You still get your nicotine fix without the other dangerous chemicals. You chew it then place it between your teeth and cheek like a hamster would store food in its mouth. When the flavour fades chew is again and repeat until all the flavour has gone.

The nicotine goes into your bloodstream and makes the smoking cravings go away. Make sure you read the instructions, when I first tried it I chewed too fast and it give me hiccups. If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day then use the stronger 4mg strength, you can also buy it in 2mg and it comes in various flavours including original, fresh mint, fruit, liquorice and peppermint.

Chewing Nicotine gum is working for me and although I’m chewing around 20 pieces a day that’s got to be better than smoking fags. Using the gum is helping me with the withdrawal symptoms. If you are trying to stop stopping I recommend giving them a try to help make quitting easier.

After a month or so I plan to reduce to 2mg and then quit chewing the gum. I’m also trying to avoid the situations when and where I would smoke more, which is usually down at the pub so I’ve also being on a mission to avoid drinking beer.

No Fags For a Month

It has been a over a month since I quit smoking using Nicotine Gum. Resisting a smoke hasn’t been easy yet here we are. I didn’t think I had the willpower. I’m so proud of myself, I’ve gone a full month without any smoking sticks.

In theory quitting smoking is easy, don’t buy, beg, steal or borrow any. Addiction isn’t that simple and I have found it difficult at times not to smoke. I’ve notice my temper rising when my mind wants a cigarette, also I’m not sure what to do with my hands anymore and I seem to always be hungry, eating more than normal.

Despite this deciding to stop smoking has been great for me. I feel so much better and able to exercise longer and harder. No fags and I’m able to smell better, taste food and my body’s not full of carbon monoxide and other filth. I’m slowly recovering and not coughing anymore.

I’m still getting the odd cravings and I’ve tried to avoid anything that may trigger me to light up and start smoking again. No booze, stressful situations or hanging out with other smokers.

As such I still feel like a smoker and a person battling addiction. I bought some more nicotine gum to fend off the craving attacks so in a strange kind of way I’ve quit smoking but not nicotine addiction.

A smoke free month is still a good achievement and I hope to reduce the gum I’m chewing bit by bit. I don’t want to start smoking again. When you stop smoking you have to do it for yourself. The best side effect is having more energy and more money. Say no to fags.

Breaking the psychological connect to smoking is hard if you’ve smoked for a long time. The thing is that writing about smoking makes me want to have a smoke.

Saving on Dinner Money

Eating out costs a bomb. Not that I know the price of explosives or suggest you eat highly volatile chemicals for lunch. The fact is food on the move is expensive and adds to your monthly costs. So I’ve challenged myself to keep lunch and snack money to a minimum and cut down on  coffee break costs.

I can take a packed lunch to work. I’ve being doing it for just under 3 weeks. If you are on a budget taking sandwiches, pasta, homemade curry and other food from home is a cash saver. At first I felt silly and embarrassed but now I know it’s part of my budget plan.

I’m just not sure if I can reduce my coffee intake. I certainly need my coffee fix to get me going. Can I give up the daytime snacking, prepare an edible meal for dinner and stop drinking takeout coffee for a whole month? It’s a tall order so let’s find out.

I also attempting to reduce my sugar and ditch my unhealthy habits like too many biscuits, fizzy drinks and even cutting back on beer. Will it be possible? Let’s find out.

Are you willing to try it yourself? Add a comment below.

Breakfast, The First Meal of The Day

I have a confession to make – I Love Bacon and Coffee. Almost every work day for years I’ve bought a bacon butty and coffee for breakfast. Tucking into this delight is the highlight and pick me up I need in the mornings. Like many people I require a coffee fix to start functioning.

The problem is this not only does my breakfast cost me around £24 a week it also doesn’t help my waistline. Therefore I need to commit to spending and eating less starting with a cheaper and more healthy breakfast with maybe a bacon and takeout coffee on Fridays only as a treat.

My breakfast choices of takeout coffee and bacon butties have to end. L I still believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I’ve never skipped breakfast, whether it was a sugary or greasy snack but now I’ve changed what I have for my first meal of my day.

My new breakfast is a bowl of Weetabix or toast which gets me through till lunch time and gives me an energy boost without the calories of a bacon sandwich.

I think eating out, takeouts and going out for restaurant meals should be a treat. I order takeaways and eat out because it’s quicker and easier than home cooking. Preparing your meal plans and eating at home will keep you healthier and save money.

Both will help motivate you as you save and lose weight. The downside and really habit I need to kick is the wake up morning cigarette. I’ve cut down during the day but hey nobody’s perfect.

Build Muscles And Bulk Up That Body

Whether you are too fat or too thin and want to bulk up to look like the heroes from the movies you need a routine and diet that builds muscles and turns fat into fibre. To get bigger and build muscle eat more protein and WORK those muscles HARD.

To build muscles you have to work them so they grow. You’ll never built muscle by not working out. It may even hurt at the start. In order to bulk up, build muscles and grow in size you have to eat the right foods and perform the correct exercises during your workout.

Power and strength will only grow when you push your muscles and feed them the fuel to breakdown and then re-grow bigger. Consume more of the right types of calories and burn it into your muscles while you sleep.

How To Build Muscles?

When I first decided I was going to get fit and started weight lifting it was difficult. I had the wrong sort of body mass in the wrong places. It’s called fat.

If you want to put on weight and gain muscles in the right places it will involve losing weight and getting in shape first, then working on building muscle. If you’re new to strength training and muscle fitness and not sure how to begin this advice will help you get started.

Your body weight is controlled by how much you eat, how much you exercise and your metabolism.

Eating To Bulk Up

The muscle building process begins by eating meals high in protein and healthy carbohydrates. Get your protein by eating fish, chicken, meat, eggs, full fat milk and carbs from rice, paste, cereal, potatoes, corn, beans, fruit and nuts to help you put on weight mixed with your Five A Day and avoiding sugar snacks.

If you’re skinny and want to get bigger, grow muscle size you need to eat more food and ram in the calories to gain weight. This is the opposite of dieting to lose weight. Don’t worry if you feel like you’re overeating because through exercising you’re going convert it in to muscle and make your body tougher.

Exercising To Bulk Up

With your new diet you now need to burn fat by lifting weights and turn the food into muscles. Focus on exercises that work your whole body. When starting out make sure you warm up and keep adding weight to every exercise bit by bit.

If you manage to lifted 50 kg then make it harder by lifting 52, making your muscles work by lift heavier weights will make them grow bigger and stronger. Before long you’ll be gaining muscle and your fat will begin to disappear.

The Secret To Strength Training:

The secret to increasing muscle mass is EAT LOTS and LIFT LOTS. For weight training I recommend keeping cardio exercise to a minimum and focus on lots of free weight lifting and routines that workout every single muscle in your body. Using Dumbbells, Barbells, Bench Press, Deadlift, Squats, PushUps, PullUps and SitUps you’ll get stronger and build some serious muscle.

The amount of weight, reps and sets you do will depend on each exercise and where you’re body is the strongest and weakest. As you get stronger you can push yourself harder until you muscles want to give out on the final rep.

Remember to increase the weight load as you build more strength and muscle power. Also don’t just focus on your upper body so you look like a puffed up balloon with chicken stick legs. You need to perform squats and do some deadlifting so you work your legs, back and whole body.

Help I Can’t Put On Weight

Some people eat and eat yet never seem to build muscle or put on weight. They eat all day and stay the same size. Those lucky people usually have a metabolism that can deal with a higher calorie intake and they find it harder to get big and bulky.

Being thin or having a faster metabolism shouldn’t stop you from building muscles. Sometimes muscle mass has nothing to do with your size. I have a  thin friend and he has more lean muscle then me without the bulk. If he started lifting weights and eating strength food then he’d gain more weight and develop a more defined and muscley body shape.

For skinny people to bulk up and fill out they need to eat more protein calories and pump some iron. When you’re thin and looking to build muscle mass you’ll need to eat like a pig and develop a strength training workout. If you want to build muscle and have problems putting on weight then increase your protein and strength training.

Building Muscle

If you don’t work your body it will store fat. To have near pure muscle on your body you have to go for it. To achieve any form of success you have to make serious changes. Show no mercy on your muscles, make them hurt so they grow bigger. Eat all the protein, fruit, vegetables you can consume and push your body further every week.

Eating 6 meals a day, high in protein with high fibre snacks and working on strength training everyday will build those muscles fast. While you’re sleeping your body’s cells will regenerate and you’ll wake up a little stronger and healthier.

Editors Notes:
It’s that time of year to get fit, I for one could certainly do with toning up the mid-section, getting more exercise and eating a bit better. I’ve no intention of joining the gym again so it will be home workouts for me.