Millennials are not as Awful as the Media brands them

They are so many ridiculous misconceptions about us. Millennials, or those born between the 1980s and the year 2000 seem to get lots of criticism from the older generations.

Students seem to get bad press and treated with contempt by parts of society. Which I touched on in a past post stereotyping us students.

There are many misconceptions about the student life. We are branded as lazy, spoilt, ungrateful and have easy lives with no idea of the stress of adulthood.

Don’t tell me that when I find myself under the pressures of juggling assignment deadlines, a stack of reading to do, a part-time job to go to plus the cooking and cleaning, bills to pay, fitting in a social life and blog writing. Trust me there is lots to get stressed about. I wish I could do nothing all day and not have to get into debt for studying and working hard.

People seem to think you need a family to support, a full time job, an illness, poverty or a relationship breakup to feel stressed and burned out. I’ve had both of these and in today’s modern world the youth experience worry and stress.

The young are at the most risk of stress, sleeping disorders and mental distress. We are the generation with plenty to be anxious and panic about. Living standards are declining as we are destine to earn less than the older generations, we are building up crippling debt for our education, the job market is bloodthirsty and we may never get on the housing ladder and buy our own home. On top of this our NHS and public services are in dire straits and the environment and planet we live on is fighting for survival.

Students don’t all live in squalor and their own filth. Yes, we like to party, order takeout food, sleep late to recover from hangovers but the next day we are capable of cleaning up the beer cans and empty pizza boxes.

Most students are hygienic and can clean themselves and the kitchen. If anything it may be your student accommodation that’s crumbling and not up to standard with mould growing in the back bedroom window and the broken boiler that makes the shower run cold. Not all student accommodation you rent is up to the standard of Hilton Hotels. If you are looking for a place to rent then read my student accommodation tips.

Further education and university teach us life skills, how the real world works and how to look after ourselves and others. Being a student and remaining in education many of us are juggling studies and jobs. It’s not an easy life full of first world problems. We are hardworking and trying to plan our futures and opportunities. Whilst studying and meeting assignment deadlines we are earning a living with part time jobs to pay the rent the bills.

Students and our youth are often dismissed, forgotten and their voices unheard. Millennials are marginalised by the system and political views. We want a better future and one of hope. We want a fair society where our nurses, carers, teachers and the vulnerable and homeless are cared for. A society that doesn’t care where you come from, where you were born or the colour of your skin. A society and system based on justice and what you can contribute to your community and the world.

Don’t criticise us for wanting to challenge the system to combat racism, sexism, xenophobia and fighting to preserve nature and the planet. Don’t criticise us for wanting to do things differently and enjoy the freedom and rights that the older generations fought for.

Millennials’ want to be in control of they own lives and understand the impact our actions have on the world. We want to make our own rules and decides, not play by the terms and conditions set by giant corporations and outdated Baby Boomers viewpoints and policies put in place years ago.

The elite and generations before us seem to fear change and are stuck in the past and old ways. They don’t want us to speak out or take over the world that they control. They don’t want to reform laws and the current system because it works for the few and not the many. They want to keep us tied down and treat us like leftovers. They don’t want us to gain knowledge, information and power that could disrupt their agenda and rock their boats.

So many people make sweeping generalises about us. We are not lazy, weak, snowflakes or wasting our lives on a degree. We don’t play the victim, we are the victims of a world and toxic media that seems to want us to fail.

I believe that everyone has a voice, and the digital age can help us reach out and share our opinions and ideas. Thanks to social media and blogging we can speak up and speak out. Millennials are far from perfect, but we are adapting and learning how to manage in an uncertain and cruel world.

We need fresh ideas, new technologies and reform that helps everybody flourish and grow. We want a new normal and get rid of the old and outdated theories and concepts of how society should function in a kinder and more civilised world.

I’m not naive about the challenges or suggesting that all suffering, problems and conflict will end. People will always fight for power, control, money and the TV remote. The message is that mindsets and systems need to change to make improvements to how the global economy benefits everyone, that our physical and mental health are looked after and we address the impact that humans have had on the environment and wildlife.

Despite all the popular misconceptions, Generation Y and Z are the people that are going to change the world. The one’s that are going to have to deal with future issues clean up the mess and deal with the environmental damage of past generations before us. The Millennial future is a better future for society and the planet.

The Formula for Being a Grownup

I’ve haven’t figured it out yet. That secret formula to been a grown up. It’s probably in a book I haven’t read or maybe I was hungover and off sick the day they gave that lecture. Life is far easier as a kid. You can use your imagination to live your dreams in an afternoon. When you hit your 20’s reality suddenly bites.

I’ve “legally” being a grown up from age 18. In adulthood you expect things to work out, get better. No one can tell you what to do, you can vote, drink alcohol and sign important documents like a tenancy agreement.

Being grownup isn’t that cool or wonderful because you have to make your own decisions and take responsibly for the outcome. That dream job isn’t what you thought, you’re single, lonely with no love interest, dear friends get promotion and move away, your finances are a mess and screwed by debt, the flat is a bombsite, you have to hold down a job and then pretend life is going well on social media to keep up appearances.

You probably feel it wasn’t supposed to be this way. They is even have a name for this. It’s called a Quarter Life Crisis –

When you look at the goals you planned to accomplish at by age 25 it’s likely to be disappointing. You aren’t the CEO of the company, a millionaire playboy, happily married with 2 kids or playing professional football.

You expected being grownup to be something different, the time of your life. Instead it’s all stress and balancing relationships with people and things you love and hate. Life is tougher. It turns out we are expected to multitask and balance everything.

We try our best but it is just not possible……

How can we be so perfect and compete with our hero’s and the myths we see in the media and our old childhood dreams of what we thought our life’s would turn into?

How can you stay positive, look on the bright side when we can’t even hit the piss pot? How can we take back control of our lives, meet our ambitions and stop this feeling of failure, of not meeting our own expectations of adult life?

We put too much pressure on ourselves to have it all figured out and have our lives mapped out and on track by 25. I’ve discovered that’s a load of bollocks. Anxiety and insecurity are part of the deal. You can’t plan the rest of your life in an afternoon like you did when you were aged 8.

You might meet the woman of your dreams at the restaurant…..

Or you might not.

It’s OK if you’re single and don’t have a partner yet. Being single isn’t such a bad thing. You don’t have to find “the one” in your twenties. The wild sex and relationship goals can wait a while.

Be patient. Be grateful you don’t know what’s going to happen or life would be very dull. It’s all unknown and it’s natural to fear the unknown.

If you want to get through your quarter life crisis simply admit you have no idea how to be a grownup right now. Lap it up. You’re still learning. You haven’t figured out your life just yet. Don’t panic neither have I. I’m as clueless, frustrated and lost as you are.

I like the idea of making your own path. What makes it hard for people in their twenties trying to follow their passions is you can’t be true to yourself if you don’t know who that is yet.

There are ways to tell when you’ve become an adult. You have to look after yourself, look after others, try bring some order to the chaos and do your own dusting. There are no tidy answers. Twenty-something adult life is messy, we can all feel lost. Sometimes I feel grown up sometimes I’m a immature spoiled little brat.

This website started out of student boredom and loneliness, as it has grow so have I. You’re not grown-up until you been around the block, experienced a little of life’s challenges. Don’t treat it as a setback because you feel you’re not moving forward.

Obstacles and pain are a part of life, yet you can grow from it. You’ll need to make some changes and choices in your life. You can make 20 Changes in 20’s whatever age you are. And while being young and stupid is always easier, being older and still being stupid will bring the same results no matter what age you are.

Please be patient with yourself and you’ll find out who you are and what you really want.

Escaping The Crazy Rat Race

By now I’ve come to realise that my life after university hasn’t turned out exactly how I envisioned it. Since I entered the world of work I’ve been thinking a lot about my career.

I have a job. I hate it. I’m fed of doing work that not’s satisfying me. I’m fed up of the office. I’m fed up of city life. It’s not working out how it should. I want more enjoyment and freedom in my work. I want to hand my notice in. But here’s the catch I have debts and responsibilities so quitting my job tomorrow is not an option.

Imagine working at the same place for the next 50 years. Trapped in a vicious cycle, busting your guts forty hours a week or more and missing out on life. That thought is terrifying so I’ve made a bid to change my life and work out what I what from it.

With my lack of job satisfaction I have the desire to quit the 9 to 5 rat race and work towards financial independence.

I want to escape the crazy rat race, work for myself in things that actually interest me and retire ASAP. Early retirement appeals instead of been a slave to the daily work routine.

I for one left education in thousands of pounds in debt, like many students do. From there it got worst as I borrowed more money after getting a job.

I’ve decided I don’t want to work at this place anymore and I definitely don’t want to spend my time worrying about money. Am sick of busy working instead of busy living. Getting rich quick is not an option so for now my day job is just ticking me over until I tell the boss to shove it.

Having no belittling boss to order me about and deciding how many hours I work would be fabulous but quitting isn’t a financial option. I hate my job and despise working for a two-faced company. I need to escape and all that’s needed is some firm decision making and an ACTION plan.

I want to be free from the fixed rules that society says I should follow. The new theme of this blog will be to clear my debts, make a million and retire young-ish.

I doubt they will be must left in the pension pot for my generation so the hard fact is you have to plan for your own retirement because it’s unlikely anybody else will provide for you as you get older.

Life is too short to be trapped in a day job and stuck at the grind. From here I will chart my journey to financial freedom starting by clearing my student debt, outstanding loans, credit cards and other nasty debt.

Why would you want financially freedom? I want a comfortable and panic free life. Without worrying about money, career, status and the long commute each day. I want to find work I enjoy without an Office Hat.

Working here has lost its appeal for me. It was hard getting up this morning. I want to escape right now. At the moment I feel that I am existing and not living. I crave freedom from the rat race. It’s time to slowly take back my freedom and work towards a faster happy retirement.

The Leftovers

I think our generation are the leftovers. The ones left behind to pick up the pieces of our failed society. As twenty-some-things our freedoms are limited and our privacy is disrupted and invaded without us even knowing it.

We are expected to contribute to society by politicians and past generations who have destroyed and polluted it. I can’t help thinking that they won’t be much left of the worlds resources to enjoy after all the drilling, mining and fast paced consumerism has eaten away the Earth’s core.

We are the people who are going to have to come up with solutions and clean up the mess that the previous humans morons didn’t care about. It’s not our fault, millennials are the victims. Our only crime is when are birthdays fall.

Privilege is a source of cruelty. The battle of the haves and have not’s. I’ve lost faith in the system because the system seems to be everyone for themselves. That’s capitalist greed for you. Capitalism seems to define happiness as whether we have money or not.

We have political discussion to decide what is best but it never seems to get any better. One power is overthrow for another by a little “x” in a box, who has the most firepower or the highest bidder. Politicians aren’t even organised enough to work out their expenses let alone run a whole country’s budget. I think we should all be able to vote on how our taxes are spent instead of pretending we have a democracy.

The low election turnouts are because of the promises of a Land of Hope and Glory. The results show no promise. Obviously politicians can’t handle the responsibility. And based on that we know politics is two faced.

All the dreams in each manifesto is never quite as described. If they can fake sincerity and keep offshore funds than I can sell fake knock off goods down the market. I reckon there is one good politician in every hundred. It would be better to decide who wins elections with Pokémon cards.

When will the austerity be over? Personally I think we all need to make more cuts to finally clear the deficit – starting with Westminster throats. Governments can’t create social cohesion because the voters should make the policies. It’s easier to run the world on fear and bullshit. The future is scary business. With many things beyond our control.

Will there be an NHS left for the next generation? Will I have to pay for private health care and a sick bed so I can get treated for any nasty diseases I catch?

When you grow up can you find and land a good job?

Will I ever be able to afford my own home?

Will the trains actually be on time this week?

Can your favourite football team ever win the league?

Will I ever pay off my student debt?

When all the seas are poisoned what will replace my fish and chip diet?

Will we have a World War Three?

Not very uplifting thoughts. I don’t feel any safer or better off knowing we have a nuclear defence program to protect me from shrapnel. Soon we’ll all be the leftovers. Trying to plan for the apocalypse is the best risk management strategy.

I’ve realised what a terrible consumer I am. I’m doing myself a disservice. From here I’m going to lift myself out of poverty, debt and fading expectations. I’m hoping to one day to have the prospect of getting on the property ladder instead of being a financial refugee. I’m learning to balance the books. Give up silly spending habits and investing the leftovers into my future.

Everyone isn’t created equal where wealth and power is concerned. The rich elite are buying and bribing their way up the pyramid. Wages have hardly gone up, people can’t afford buy a decent house and the recession doesn’t seem to have taught us much about money.

Lately I feel more like a leftover. How are future generations and my kids (when I impregnate someone) going to deal with all these questions, ifs and buts?

A university education isn’t cheap, you can’t pay off your debts and retire by working for free. That’s why some students take up pole dancing and prostitution to pay for their education.

I’ve gained lots of blogging experience so it’s time to take this blog beyond a hobby and a series of me ranting on about my problems. Therefore I’ve started my part time based adventure to supplement my income. It’s been a great student chapter, but over time this site needs to evolved into something quite different.

By now you will have noticed the a fresh new look. You’ve probably already noticed the ads and site changes including a new layout and blog design.

Since launching this blog I’ve never monetised it or placed advertising on the site despite it costing me money to run and time to develop. I’ve worked out I’ve spent over £700 keeping the site running, not including the time spend on it. I’ve sacrificed many hot student meals keeping this thing alive, I hope you feel guilty. Stopping this blog would save me money.

Still no logo design yet as I can’t do the creative graphic bit. I’ve never used Photoshop. I know my weaknesses and any artwork I use on here is usually clipart and stock photos.

I need a logo designed for the new site (any graphic design student volunteers out there willing to give it ago?). Maybe in hindsight I should have taken creative media as a degree course.

There are many unanswered questions I have about the future and  how life is going to work out. I’m starting my own social movement and a republic to wealth. Taking everything in moderation except my mission to save, invest and get debt free.

We are faced with a social handicap. It’s full of bullshit promises from clueless leaders and media idiots. Society has gone to hell, I don’t what to join it.

The media and TV is just a distraction so we take our eyes off the ball. The mainstream crap on TV makes our heads go numb. Many of us don’t notice we are trapped in the matrix of a dying world. It is us who have to create something from the rubble and make something of the shambles.

We need to wake from the bad dream. Don’t be frightened to hope. The hopeless disappointment keeps us all going. If we aren’t careful we’ll all be the leftovers.

I guess you can feel my desperation and dismal mood. I’m having an early midlife crisis. Not bad for age 22. At least I can get it out of the way.

We can all bitch and moan about money and our difficult lives. On brighter note at least we have the Internet, flushing toilets and I’m not earning a dollar a day to make top name brands.

Society hasn’t learned anything. Wars still happen, bombs explode, dictators still rule and the violence on TV is depressing. I’ve vetoed society today or maybe my judgement is off. Either way misery, fear and desperation surround us all. I’ll probably feel better if I go buy a pack of cream cakes to speed up my diabetes.

20 Changes in your 20’s

When you reach your 20’s things change. It’s a time to figure out what you want to do and who you want to become. What can I teach you about finding your way when I’ve hardly lived myself?

Growing up is hard. Young and stupid is always easier. As a 20 something you develop an unknown phobia for the future. Here is my advice for 20 something’s who need to review their lives:

  1. Get ready to make lots of changes. You’ll set goals and make plans. Be ready to adjust them and ditch some. It’s is time to discover your potential.
  2. You get a job or have many jobs. They may not be what you expected. You have to hold it down. Everyone has a gift to give the world. It may be in the job you do or a different “calling”. Find that calling and follow your heart.
  3. Your student and college days are over. You can’t live like a slob anymore because Mummy and Daddy can’t clean up after you. A tidy house is a tidier mind.
  4. Friendship will come and go. Some relationships will last some will fizzle out and go down different paths as people move away or don’t return your phone calls. Work on the relationships that matter to you most.
  5. I’ve had my share of heartbreak even as a 20 something. You can’t force love and have to let past lovers move on with their lives. When you breakup remember it happened for a reason and that “the one” is still out there.
  6. Exercise so you get fitter not fatter.
  7. Watch your diet. Eat the healthier stuff with the occasional salt and sugar explosion.
  8. If you smoke or vape then quit.
  9. Read more. Read for fun, read for education.
  10. Sort out your money and finances.
  11. Maximise something’s, minimise and eliminate others.
  12. Experience the world. Go on real life adventure. Stop letting technology eat up your time.
  13. Be afraid, but do it anyway.
  14. You have a voice. Use your right to vote.
  15. Learn to chill out and slow down.
  16. You are in your twenties, you are going to make lots of mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up over them.
  17. Listen to older and wiser people than yourself.
  18. Always keep learning from your own experience and mistakes.
  19. Your 20’s are the best days of your life. Enjoy them. Party hard but plan harder. Getting this stuff right now will set you up for life and build your future.
  20. I best break the news to you now before you hit your 30’s and find out the hard way. Santa doesn’t exist.

Don’t be a bystander in your life. It’s not going to be easy. You need to do the difficult things that no one else does. It won’t all come together all at once. It takes practise and determination. You don’t have to do any of the list above, make your own but if you don’t do anything you still be in the same position next year.

The time for change is now. Your Happy New Year starts now. Enjoy the holidays and prepare your productivity plan for next year. Next year is operation 20 Changes for your 20’s.