Coronavirus Impacts Hard on Students

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is causing chaos and disruption for the world and students’ education. Over the last year young pupils and university students have lost months of education.

Students have faced the A-level mess from 2020, and GCSE’s and A-level exams are cancelled for this year too. In addition, many university students are suffering financial hardship due to part-time job losses as business and companies remain closed for months.

On top of a lack of rent rebate thousands of UK university students feel forgotten as they are expected to pay high course fees for an online education and study from home.

The academic experience isn’t the same as been on campus enjoying the social side of learning and face to face teaching from your lecturer. Delivering distance online tutoring and isolated self-studying feels like the quality of learning suffers, and I think students deserve a refund for receiving a second rate education service.

Alongside the learning disruption student mental health during coronavirus has deteriorated with many teenagers and students experiencing a decline in their well-being with depression and anxiety on the increase.

Since the start of Covid 19 I’ve feel a bit lost and haven’t felt like posting on this blog for a while. Each day I’m starring at a computer screen or seem glued to my desk trying to study with books and my unreadable handwritten notes.

The workload can be difficult to manage without any real social life or a beer down the pub to unwind. Been self-isolated in small room with no sunshine does little to help the feeling of loneliness and building anxiety with the pandemic putting extra pressures on student life. With nothing to do, unable to go out, invite people over and the dire financial situation there are no alternatives but to stay indoors trap with our own thoughts.

If you need help and are struggling then contact your college or universities student support services. You can also visit websites like Student Space for coronavirus support.

Student Stress and Study Burnout

Feeling like a stressed out student? Take comfort that you are not alone. With all the studying, exams, work deadlines and summer job it’s possible you’ll reach student burnout at some point while at university. Your student days can be a difficult transition period and a sad time of isolation and loneliness. You can’t always feel at the top of your game.

If you have a part time job you’ll find yourself trying to manage your studying and job which can pile on the workload. You may also be suffering from motivational issues, money worries, relationship problems and feel like you don’t have time to relax.

Becoming a university student is a big change and adjustment in your life. At times when it’s all on top of you, heading out of control and you’re stressing about your future career our generation can feel lost, lonely and borderline depressed. At night when you can’t afford to go out and there’s nothing to do apart from working, studying and rubbish TV things can overload us.

During the first year or random periods throughout your degree you’ll probably feel homesick. Here is my advice for homesick students. I’ve not posted for a month or so because I’ve lacked energy and felt overwhelmed suffering from work and student burnout. Sometimes stress and pressure is a necessary thing to motivate and increase performance, too much extreme stress leads to misery and exhaustion.

Remember you are not alone, life has its ups and downs. We all suffer from low moods, stress, anxiety and 1 in 4 of us will go through mental health problems in our lifetime.

At times of increased stress and emotional trouble it’s important youth people get the support and advice they need. Discuss how you feel with friends, family, talk to Student Services or your student union that offer welfare support. If you are feeling depressed then visit the doctor and explain how you feel to them.

It’s frustrating not feeling like yourself or like you don’t have time to look after your own wellbeing. A student’s life isn’t always easy, many people stereotype students, thinking our lives involve partying and shagging.

Please be careful and try to balance the mix of “business and pleasure”. You may be working too hard and need to slow down and find ways to manage your student stress.

If you don’t reducing student stress you’ll soon reach the tipping point and burnout will overwhelm you. If you are feeling run down try the following ways to decrease your stress levels and ease the burden of a student life:

  • Get yourself as organised as possible. Plan a timetable and schedule for studying, work, socialising and relaxation time.
  • Too much working and rushing around will create more anxiety. Make some fun time and break up your study periods to help increase productivity.
  • Your student lifestyle may not be helping your anxiety and stress. Eat healthier food, cut down on alcohol and make sure you are getting enough sleep.
  • Going for a walk in the fresh air and taking regular exercise can help improve your mood and relive stress. You can also try some meditation and breathing techniques.
  • Learn to switch off from the world now and then. Have some rest bite from gadgets, gaming, social media, email, texting and phone calls. It’s not healthy to be switched on and plugged in 24 hours a day, everyone needs some peace and quiet.
  • Listen to your favourite music or chill out anthems can help settle down your mood and calm your nerves. Playing some tracks will help you get through those stressful student days.
  • Watch some comedy films or DVD’s to loosen up and laugh out loud. Your student days should be the happiest time of your life so soak it up and don’t take it too seriously.
  • Stop comparing yourself to other students, friends and relatives. Life’s too short for constant competition with peers and celebrities. You can’t live your life in the shadow of others so stop trying to measure up and meet everyone else’s expectations.
  • Sex is a great way to de-stress and release “happy chemicals”. Human touch is a relieving joy so find a sex buddy to hug, kiss and practice safe sex with.

Remember being a student isn’t permanent and your student stress won’t last forever. When life is on top of you that is a clue for us to take some timeout for ourselves and relax – do nothing – it will be OK.

Organisations that can help:

Why I Back Reducing the Voting Age To 16

Voting at age 16

Many politicians aren’t open to the idea of allowing 16 year olds the right to vote. Yet for many 16 and 17 year old students it’s a great idea and gives them a voice in politics.

While we aren’t official classed as adults until aged 18 I find it strange that the UK age of consent for sexual relationships is 16, meaning we can have sex and create human life yet are unable to cast vote in the democracy that we live in.

Young people shouldn’t be put off by politics. I think having the chance to vote at 16 would encourage many young people to be involved in politics and the things that affect them such as tuition fees, student debt, climate change, rail fares, new laws, the economics of the country, beer prices and our beloved NHS.

Lots of people have concerns about lowering the voting age, they say how can 16 year old teenagers have enough life experience to make a decision on government manifesto and proposals. This real issue is politicians fail to realise we care about things and aren’t represented or given a say on things that impact the country and our lives. Lowering the voting age to 16 is a positive step to engage the younger generation and spark their interest in politics.

If you don’t get a vote then things are taken out of our hands, which leads to disillusionment, disappointment and disenchantment because we don’t feel listened and our opinions ignored. Reducing the voting age will help attract and engage young disenfranchised voters.

All 16 and 17 year olds views weren’t even considered in the Brexit Vote, which was crazy since it will impact young people’s future the most. As the Brexit Battle was fought out most students had to sit and watch the campaigns and fallout of the aftermath. Not getting a chance to vote on Brexit was the worst thing that politicians could have done to undermine the youth voice because it will be us that face the deepest consequences of leaving the European Union.

When problems affect the Millennial and Generation Z why shouldn’t we be able to have some input, why don’t politicians what to empower us to lead change for the future? Aren’t we important enough to be heard? Maybe 18 to 24 year-olds have a lack of interest in politics and the lowest voter turnout of any demographic because we aren’t listened to or given rights to express a political viewpoint.

Young people need to discuss politics in a friendly and informal manner and although very young adolescents may not worry about taxes or the economy and seem uninterested in the outcome you can’t deny that politics affects their lives, family and the whole world. I want you to exchange views with others and most importantly register to vote then cast your vote.

A-level and university students are given the opportunity to debate social issues  in lessons and lectures so why prevent them a vote. Isn’t education about enhancing peoples knowledge, preparing them for life and opening opportunity.

The argument about whether voting at 16 should be possible is about giving the teenagers right to take part in democracy and discussing what matters most to the young generation.

The truth is we care and dismissing our ideas, hopes and what we care about shouldn’t be dismissed the in political arena. Many government policies focus and affect our further education. If the voice of the youth isn’t been heard then it’s time to take a stand.

Having a chance to vote will let students take ownership and make decisions that shape our futures. By legislating for us to vote we can have a voice and give us the rights to be taken seriously.

We are all doing politics of some nature, whether at home with our parents, at school and working with the boss we are trapped by the rules and laws that govern us. I encourage 16 and 17 year olds to get involved, we all need to do politics or politics will do us over in the next general election.

Don’t be apathetic or think your vote doesn’t count. I believe that the voting age needs to be debated again. I know some have stereotypes about us students and if you consider our age group to be too immature to vote then “your mom”, you grumpy Boaty Mcboatface.

If on the other hand you believe that 16 and 17 years should have the right to vote and the law needs to change than please comment and share this article with the social media buttons below.

Increasing Rail Fares Always Impact Travelling Students More

Every year rail fares always increase and the discontent and outrage due to poor service follows it. Rail fares keep increasing by an average of around 3% while public transports keeps failing the people who pay for it.

Students and commuters who have to rely on public transport already know that the UKs rail service isn’t the most reliable and highest quality. Charging more for poor service is sickening when you don’t have an alternative. The delays, cancellations and state of the trains are hardly something to smile about. And once again our budgets will have to find the money for the fare increases so we can get to work, back home again and travel around to see family and friends.

Rail users and travelling students should have to expect a second or even third rate service. While a 16-25 Railcard helps save money ( you shouldn’t need to buy an extra discount card to get around. British rail fares are already over the top compared to other places. Like other European cities public transport should offer amazing reliable services, be cheaper and greener for the environment.

With climate change being a real threat to life on Earth it should be a priority to reduce emissions and encourage rail travel by bring costs down and service levels up. The cost and anguish of travelling by rail is certainly off-putting. For some journeys it’s easier, quicker and cheaper to fund a plane ticket. With cheap air travel it’s crazy that it can actually be cheaper to fly abroad than getting around the UK.

Despite the year on year ticket increases the rail companies still claim the money is need for rail investment. I wonder where all money has gone over the years because it’s not been spent on our railways. Many of the UK train operators are owned by overseas companies who seem able to profit and fund their own rail networks very well. In many areas of the UK our train services have got worse with companies being stripped of their license and services been renationalised to public ownership.

When it’s too expensive to travel around and train services are in such a mess it impacts our jobs, work, the economy, the climate and our social lives. The state of our railways is shocking and in the North of England the years of station closures and neglect is devastating to many local regions.

Student Cooking Class for Beginners

Teacher: Where does food come from?

Student: The late night petrol station.

Student life is hard but there is no reason why you should have to live off cheap kebabs and pot noodles. Preparing and making your own food is more rewarding than pre-packaged meals. To save cash and help your well being students should improving and expand their cooking skills.

As a student you’ll be doing more home cooking than before so you need to learn to cook for yourself without breaking the bank and budget. A great bit of advice when it comes to cooking basics is to try simpler recipes. Learning the basics of cooking before trying the more advanced recipes. You won’t learn without trying it.

When it comes to basic cooking skills for students you would never learn if you don’t try master some basic cooking skills and then move your horizons to the more complex recipes.

From beans on toast… food like this……

My Chinese cuisine and Italian have improved a lot. I’ve come to enjoy the process of making my own food. Begin with the basics and learn recipe by recipe. Something else to remember while cooking is that nothing appears to draw out the flavour of Italian food like a good bottle of wine.

Since the post Student Food for the Cooking and Financially Challenged I’ve turned into the cooking housewife around here. The most imperative thing for you to do while cooking nourishment is not to consider the cooking too seriously. Make it fun and experiment and don’t be afraid of trying something new or making mistakes.

There are hundreds of thousands of recipes over the Internet, cook books at the library and food bloggers who can help you start creating a few recipes of your very own.

As you can see it is possible to do a cheap weekly shop and make tasty grub on a student’s budget. It’s important that young people and students learn to cook. With some practise you can prepare your own student food with confidence.

If all else fails then it’s off to Mceedees or Bob’s Burgers.