Contribute a Guest Blog Post

Hello my friends. Be excited!!! This year I am offering something I have never done before.

I’m happy to announce the opening of guest blogs. If you want to share your story, experience or have something cool to share with my readers I’d like your input.

You won’t be paid a penny for this, however now’s your chance to get your views online without the set-up, learning curve and running costs of your own website. The idea is to help our readers and also help start a community network.

Please contact me with your pitch before writing your article.

Leftunders is on the hunt for new writers. Here is your chance to team up and get your blog and writing out to a larger audience. I’m open to all sorts of topics and any awesome content that will interest and educate my readers. If you’re a new blogger and would like to contribute a guest post I’d love to hear from you.

I’d love to accept every pitch unfortunately not all will be the right fit. Here’s what to do and my publishing guidelines to help:

  • Post must be at least 450 words in length.
  • You may include an author bio, link to your own blog and social media networking profiles.
  • No blatant advertising.
  • Please proofread for spelling and grammar before submitting your post.
  • No stealing, copying and pasting from other sources unless used as a quote.

If your content is suitable I will publish your article on here. When it’s published don’t forget to plug it on social media.

Think you can cut it? Then I want to hear from you. Get involved by contacting me here.