Single Again….

I feel like my head is going to explode. I feel unsettled, rootless and insecure. I hate these break up times. I went for a long walk to think yesterday. I believe that you see things with fresh eyes if you take the time to take a breath and get a bit of fresh air. Where do you do your best thinking?

I don’t like the dissatisfaction of being alone again. After finding out she was cheating on me the girlfriend has gone. Getting back together is out of the question. Sometimes this saddens me. I really do feel the need to be with someone. Just not her.

I think I’ve come to the conclusion it’s best to stay single, throw myself into study, the job and have some fun. The truth is I don’t really know where I’ll be or where I’ll live after university finishes. Who does?

When I got back the guys dragged me out for a drink, it’s always better to be alone with a group of friends and an a couple of ice cool beers 🙂