Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blogger

This is only my second blog post and already the thing is driving me crazy. I have zero knowledge of blogging. Me and technology don’t get on very well. In fact we hate each other. I’ve been tinkering with this site all flaming evening trying to get my head around it. I’m not sure where the hell to start blogging with it.

I intended to go clothes shopping today and visit my tailor instead I’ve waste quality shopping time trying to get this beast of a blog looking and feeling how I want. I’m proud of the fact I’ve managed to publish online and I’ve tried many different templates but all the ones I’ve tested look like piss-flaps.

Next I wanted to get some widgets working by including recent posts, my Twitter feed and social networking buttons. This went OK by pasting in some code in a widget box. I’d also like a nice logo and a blog header at some point. Sadly I don’t think my digital drawing skills are up to that so I’ll see if I can politely befriend a creative type to Photoshop me something for free. I’ll buy them a drink or give them a can of tomato soup as payment.

I’ve had enough triumphant blogging for now.  I’m still not happy with it yet but I’ve spent more time fiddling with this website and blog templates than enjoying a cold beer. For now it can “BLOG OFF”.

Still bits to tweak. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it. Later in the week I’ll add some blog pages as it stands I’ll just soldier on like all good bloggers do by heading down the local for a pint.