Changing University Degrees When It Feels Wrong

Do you think you picked the wrong degree course? A few weeks, a month or so has passed and you’ve tried to give the subject a chance but it’s not growing on you. The fear creeps in. Have you chosen the wrong field of study? To you does the subject suck?

If you’re not enjoying your degree you don’t want to needlessly suffer for the next three years. Forcing yourself to go through the course won’t be good for your moral or self esteem.  It’s hard to keep motivated when you’re not enjoying what you do and getting into debt for doing it.

So what can you do when your education doesn’t feel right?

Consider transferring degrees in a similar field. You can usually jump ship to another degree up until the end of the first term. A degree transfer is usually painless providing the subjects overlay in some way, unless of course the degree is full.

However if you want to move into a completely new area it’s going to be harder but not impossible. Your college or university will have rules, policies and entry criteria in place that determine if and when you can make a degree switch. The worst case is you take a gap year and reapply next year.

Before you switch degrees you must consider why you really want to change your degree. Are you finding the work too difficult after A-Levels? Is this just a part of the subject matter that you don’t like or fully understand, if so this may just be a temporary dip while you settle in. If next terms content  is going to feel just as bleak then you have a serious case to consider moving degrees.

Will switching degrees affect your career path or limit future job options? If you’re not happy in your degree will you be happy in the job?

Approach your tutor and speak to student services for advice. They have experience and are here to help . Don’t rush any decisions before transferring degrees and clearly think it through before going ahead.