New Budget

Yes you guessed it. It’s new Budget Time. Yes I know the budget screenshot is missing because it had some errors in it. Let us pretend it all went well. I warned you I suck at budgets. My slide line incomes seem to have hidden that the budget was out on the columns. I suck at using Excel too :-). Luckily all the stats in my left box are accurate and correct.

I’ve had a great few months, all my debts are paid apart from my student loan which has £40,110.44 still owing, the last bit of my 2nd credit card and £3,500 to Mum and Dad. They have no idea what a mess I was in financially. I want to surprise then by paying them back the whole amount in cash.

Now that I’ve nearly paid off my credit card and the car loan is gone I feel I can tell my family what I’ve been up to in the last eighteen months or so. I still have my credit card but the balance will soon be £0 and I’ll use the card to track expenses and pay it off in full each month.

I have undergone an incredible change over the last year. This simple life and frugal living is the way forward. Life seems much easier, as my debt goes down I’m starting to feel “free”.

I’ve outgrown overspending and feel ready to settle down. My budgeting isn’t perfect or tracks every single penny. Nothing is concrete but I can work with it and keep on track.

I’m happy to have made a start. Try it yourself and see what feels right and see what comes next. My next targets are to finally start saving. So that’s the plan for the next 12 months.

I Suck at Budgeting

Budgeting is my main focus at the moment. I worked out I’ve been overspending by around £184 a month. When I don’t have any money left over I’ve been using credit cards and my overdraft to finance a bad lifestyle.

It’s time to get a grab on my debts. It’s time to hold myself accountable to my money problems.

My total monthly debt payments are: £682 per month. This expense is shockingly higher than my rent at £575.

Other monthly expenses spread include:

Food spending at around: £150

Energy Bills: £95

Water: £42

Council Tax: £66

Insurance: £135

Petrol: £70

Internet/TV/Phone: £110

Mobile: £35

In most cases, people have no idea where their money is really going and once they see it on paper it surprises them to learn their spending habits.

The simple effective solution? Reduce my expenses. Cutting back my expenses will begin to tackle my debt.

Right now looking at my income, expenses and cash flow it not pleasant reading. My personal finance is damaged. In light of this I’ve decided to face facts and go from money spending to money making.

Is it a crime to be poor? I’m totally sick of struggling in life trying to juggle my finances and job. I’m reforming my finances like a fat cat banker. So my new strategy is to get control of my budget, earn more money to finally pay off all my debt.